Register Samples, Get Results and Confirm Treatment at Remote Sites
The Aspect Mobile app extends the reach of laboratory diagnostic testing to the point-of-care by fully automating delivery, receipt, and acknowledgment, telling you where your results are and when they have been received. It also completes the "continuum of care" by enabling health workers to confirm treatment (and even outcome).
As part of the SystemOne Aspect platform, the Aspect app gives access to a test result as it is available, using robust, custom infrastructure and proven data security, easily displayed on Android tablets or phones.

Aspect Mobile in Malawi

In Malawi, HIV Viral Load and Early Infant Diagnosis (EID) data pilot delivered results automatically from central laboratories to rural clinics throughout the country. At the lab, the Abbott m2000 RealTime System is the key instrument for performing the tests. These devices were connected to an early version of the Aspect network to deliver test results and patient demographics to a secure in-country server.
Back at the referring clinic, the Aspect app downloaded these results and presented them to the clinic staff so they could take immediate action. Results were shown using a simple interface on the rechargeable tablets that were located where the clinic staff needed them. A similar interface is under development for Android phones.
In addition to rapidly moving results, Aspect can generate reports that show the distribution of test results, patient demographics, test volumes, and more – automatically. Through use of an early version of Aspect Mobile, the time-to-result in Malawi was limited only by sample transport speed to the central labs. The test results traveled back to the clinics in realtime.
Aspect Mobile was shown to cut result turnaround time by 95% and offer significant improvements in accuracy and reduction of result losses in this landscape. Please contact us to learn more about our pilot in Malawi.

Shouldn’t we just build this ourselves?Ideally, all diagnostic devices and communications networks would be “plug and play.” But SystemOne had to raise millions of dollars to create a system that could work in any country and handle a wide range of telecommunications networks, device protocols, changing data requirements and program requirements. It also needed to function through power outages, equipment failures and human failures. We share this only to communicate the fact that setting up a digital infrastructure for diagnostics is difficult and expensive. SystemOne recovers fractions of these invested dollars with each project it implements, and the recipient countries each benefit from the large investment we made. We took this path because we believe it is prohibitively expensive and complicated to do this in each country separately, and such an approach would lead to numerous, heterogenous and unsustainable systems across many countries.
What if a country exceeds its expected usage?With per-test pricing, our annual fees are based upon the expected number of tests a country or program plans to procure and use. Beyond that, we do not enforce "license limits." Using a "per test" cost allocation method generally works out on both sides and avoids continually changing expectations on costs, which is hard for a program to sustain, and would be difficult and costly for our customers (and us) to manage.
Is there a minimum?Yes. We set a base level fee because there is a minimum level of effort to support each unique instance (country or program) of the software and to administer a contract. This is independent of the number of tests conducted or network usage. At this point, our minimum fee to set up and run connectivity in a country or for a health program is $50,000 .
Shouldn't connectivity come with the devices?In an ideal world, yes, and some device manufacturers include a digital offering with their devices. But they have no expertise in making information move in different countries and ensuring it gets to the right people at the right time. They are also not talented at making sure their instrument information is interoperable with other sources of data, which is incredibly important when dealing with multiple systems and multiple diseases. Most importantly, no country or program should be stuck with one device manufacturer’s digital platform. What if you want to change devices? Or what if you need to see information they might not willingly reveal, such as error rates and malfunctions? Or what if a health program needs to combine information from different manufacturers' diagnostic devices? For these reasons and many others, a multi-device, multi-disease platform is most useful.
How can I budget the cost of connectivity?Connectivity usually costs between 4% and 6% of the cost of diagnostics, and of course this can vary. But in general, this is a good percentage to keep in mind when budgeting. It is also a fraction of what a connectivity-enabled system will save in terms of inventory, re-testing, loss-to-follow-up, and optimizing numerous other parts of the diagnostic network.
If my program grows enormously, will my costs?This is a good question, and this concern is shared across many countries and programs. To state the concern differently: “what if I test 10 billion samples in a few years - will connectivity cost me $12 billion (assuming $1.20 per sample), and isn’t that unsustainable?" But it actually works the opposite way: Because we index our fees to the number of tests anticipated, as that number grows across the world, our fees will diminish proportionally. This is true whether we do per-test pricing or use a different method -- economies of scale will in time reduce the cost of the systems we sell. Currently, our service and support grow in proportion to the amount of testing that's performed, but we can already see that eventually they will level off and then diminish in proportion to the tests performed -- that's one of the advantages of working across numerous countries and encountering similar challenges.