On average, treatment for each patient with TB costs between $250 to $650 and takes 6 to 9 months for a cure. For a single patient with MDR TB, treatment can cost between $1,200 to $5,000, lasts for two years and only about 50-60% are cured. Containment of TB assumes that each positive patient is found and effectively treated in a timely manner to stop the spread of disease. But if a country has a loss to follow-up rate of 15-30%...
Supposing such a country has 50,000 positive TB cases, but only 35,000 begin treatment and the rest are lost to follow-up. How many secondary transmissions would be caused by the untreated 15,000? The WHO states people with active TB can infect 5-15 others through close contact over the course of a year. So between 75,000 and 225,000. How can any program win against TB when loss to follow up keeps causing setbacks of this magnitude?
A strong connectivity system helps reduce or eliminate loss to follow up, and this can be calculated in terms of QALYs saved and DALYs averted. The costs of providing connected TB diagnostics can also be calculated.
Below you will find a list of resources where you can learn more about our technology and how it's having a disruptive impact on Global Health programs worldwide.​

Systemone White Paper
“A manufacturer-agnostic and disease-agnostic solution makes sense. At SystemOne, we focus exclusively on connectivity, connecting any device for any disease, routing data to the right people at the right time and ensuring that benefits and cost savings spread through the health system.”

Below you will find a list of resources where you can learn more about our technology and how it's having a disruptive impact on Global Health programs worldwide.
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*GxAlert is not associated with Cepheid nor Cepheid instrument systems, including GeneXpert® instruments.