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Cameroon Earns 5 Star Certificate of Excellence for GxAlert Implementation

5 Star Quality Program for GxAlert Technical Excellence Certificate

For Immediate Release

Cameroon Earns 5 Star Certificate of Excellence for GxAlert Implementation

Springfield, MA and Johannesburg, South Africa – November 8, 2017 -- SystemOne, the leader in global health disease intelligence for rapid detection and response, recently announced its 5 Star Quality Program for GxAlert Technical Excellence. GxAlert is SystemOne’s first connectivity platform enabling instant visibility into and communication from medical diagnostic devices.

The 5 Star program recognizes countries using GxAlert capabilities to optimize their diagnostic landscape.

In order to receive the 5 Star rating, a country must meet the following criteria:

  1. No GeneXpert instrument offline for more than 10 days without a valid status assigned detailing the reason for not reporting;

  2. More than 80% of instruments reporting at any given time;

  3. All pertinent SMS and email notifications for case detection configured and working correctly;

  4. All facilities have stock information correctly captured; and

  5. All facilities have calibration and warranty information correctly captured.

Cameroon is the first country to complete the program. Other participating countries have seen improvement in their operations since starting the program in September 2017.

“We’re thrilled to be recognized as a GxAlert super user,” said Dr. Jean-Louis Abena Foe, Permanent Secretary of the Cameroon National Tuberculosis Control Programme, “GxAlert provides crucial diagnostic data to our clinicians to properly treat patients and is vital to our daily operations.”

“We’ve been tracking the percentage of offline instruments since the program started and early results are impressive,” said Nancy Brown, VP of Implementation, SystemOne, “We plan to add another 12 countries to the certificate program by the end of 2017.”

About SystemOne:

Founded in Massachusetts in 2012, SystemOne focuses on producing solutions for disease surveillance and response. SystemOne has offices in Springfield MA and Johannesburg, South Africa.

The company’s new disease intelligence software, Aspect®, addresses numerous infectious diseases including Zika, Ebola, HIV, Malaria, Hepatitis C and more on a host of diagnostic devices.

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