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GxAlert Adds Xpert® MTB/RIF Ultra Assays For Disease Surveillance and Response

Boston, MA – May 4, 2017 -- SystemOne, the leader in global health disease surveillance and response, recently announced that its GxAlert software now covers the next generation TB assay: GeneXpert’s® MTB/RIF Ultra. This new test is critical in allowing clinicians improved diagnostic interpretation.  

GxAlert is now able to:

  • Monitor cartridge wastage during the transition of Xpert MTB/RIF to Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra

  • Monitor MTB/RIF Ultra results separate from MTB/RIF results

  • Pull a new result category called MTB Trace Detected

  • Report on 12 different assays

  • Provide a switch between TB and TB Ultra to categorize all TB results

“We are pleased to support the Xpert® MTB/RIF Ultra Assay into GxAlert to further analyze TB results and deliver real-time diagnostic information,” says Chris Macek, CEO, SystemOne. “This new test enables rapid detection and response to global TB patients. As we prepare to launch Aspect™, our next-generation disease surveillance and response system, we want to make sure GxAlert continues to provide robust coverage for its thousands of users in over 35 countries.”

GxAlert currently works with numerous diseases in over 35 countries, and its users rely on over 30,000 medical diagnostic and system notifications each month.

The MTB/RIF Ultra cartridges designed for the GeneXpert offer improved sensitivity for MTB and rifampicin resistance, a surrogate marker for MDR-TB. This improved sensitivity will aid in diagnoses of HIV-positive people, children and people with extra-pulmonary TB. It can also be used in selective EPTB specimens: CSF, lymph nodes and tissues.

The Ultra cartridges are not yet available, but a formal announcement was made on World TB Day (March 24) by the World Health Organization (WHO), in collaboration with FIND and the Rutgers Medical School.

About SystemOne:

Founded in Massachusetts in 2012, SystemOne focuses on producing game-changing data solutions for disease surveillance and response. SystemOne has offices in Springfield and Boston, Massachusetts, and Johannesburg, South Africa. SystemOne’s flagship product, GxAlert, is a software platform that collects and shares data to:

  1. alert health officials when positive disease results are detected,

  2. reduce time to treatment by getting patients enrolled earlier,

  3. save health systems millions of dollars in inventory waste,

  4. provide real-time and complete disease surveillance monitoring capabilities,

  5. send real-time messages and alerts every month (currently over 30,000/month)

  6. provide simple, user-friendly data visualizations to accelerate treatment and streamline health care systems in 37 countries.

GxAlert is currently available in seven languages: English, Portuguese, Kiswahili, Russian, Vietnamese, German and French.

SystemOne’s new disease intelligence software, Aspect™, addresses additional infectious diseases, including Ebola, HIV, Malaria, Hepatitis C and more on a host of diagnostic devices.

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