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SystemOne Announces CDX Compliance for GxAlert®

For Immediate Release

SystemOne Announces CDX Compliance for GxAlert®

Ensures full interoperability with FIND Connected Diagnostics Initiative

Boston, MA - April 13, 2015 -- SystemOne, a connected health company developing data-driven healthcare solutions in developing nations, today announced that its ground-breaking real-time data reporting system, GxAlert®, complies with CDX. GxAlert connects medical diagnostic devices to the internet, including devices that perform genetic, blood, and immuno assay lab tests, as well as point-of-care devices.

CDX, an initiative launched by the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND), advances FIND’s mission of turning complex diagnostic challenges into simple solutions to overcome diseases of poverty and transform lives.

“FIND helps diagnostic device makers understand the markets in developing nations, how to get pre-certification, and how to sell and distribute,” said Chris Macek, Partner and System Architect at SystemOne. “The next step, advanced by the CDX initiative, is to understand and create standards around how information should travel.”

CDX helps device makers understand how their data should look and how to transmit it, making it immediately communicable to existing systems such as DHIS2. GxAlert’s compliance with CDX is a natural extension of its existing compliance and interoperability with major globally-accepted standards such as ASTM and HL7. GxAlert offers APIs for most widely used health information systems and major country-specific systems.

“While the CDX initiative is still in its infancy, SystemOne is committed to staying at the forefront of standards compliance,” said Macek. “This is why we were committed to making GxAlert the first fully-compliant in-field solution. Device and software providers must work together to ensure a stable and predictable environment for end-users, which will accelerate their impact on patients.”

SystemOne’s GxAlert has been adopted by diagnostic laboratories in 22 countries for devices focused on multiple diseases, including Malaria, HIV and TB.

About SystemOne:

Founded in Massachusetts in 2012, SystemOne focuses on producing game-changing technology solutions to health-care challenges in the developing world.  The company’s first target has been TB,  a treatable disease that infects 8 million people per year and kills 2 million. SystemOne’s flagship product, GxAlert, is a medical device data collection, aggregation and cloud dashboard system that:

  1. alerts health officials when deadly drug resistant TB is detected,

  2. reduces time to treatment by getting patients enrolled earlier,

  3. saves health systems hundreds of thousands of dollars in inventory waste, and

  4. provides real-time and complete TB surveillance monitoring capabilities.

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