New functionality for TB and HIV programs shows HIV viral load levels and enables linkage to care
September 5, 2019 - SystemOne released new versions of Aspect and Aspect Reporter today, designed to accelerate linkage to care and treatment confirmation in TB and HIV.
Aspect Reporter, the app that enables healthcare workers anywhere to download test results from central testing facilities, now shows the clinical relevance of results for HIV Viral Load testing, including the actual viral load. Highlighting clinically relevant viral load results enables users to quickly identify and focus on the most important test results.
Bringing to Life Diagnostic Accountability
“Diagnostic accountability is about more than cutting turnaround time,” said Chris Macek, CEO, SystemOne. “Two-way communication enables health workers to confirm that the most critical cases are on treatment, and what kind of treatment, allowing ministries to address the critical gap between diagnosis and treatment. In HIV’s case, this is necessary to solve the last 90 of the 90-90-90 targets.”
Not only can TB patients be confirmed on treatment or treatment type, but the app enables clinical healthcare workers to include treatment notes. On the back end, Aspect can now track treatment status by site, region, state or country. All of the Aspect Reporter app’s capabilities are also available in Aspect at the desktop or tablet level.
Connecting Sample Transport
“We are hearing from ministries of health that this ability to move results quickly to the point of care and confirm treatment and treatment type represents a significant leap forward,” said Stefan Baumgartner, chief product engineer, SystemOne. “As we connect critical points in the diagnostic cascade for full diagnostic accountability, the next big challenge is sample transport. Toward that end, we’re creating a sample transport module for Aspect Reporter over the next couple of months, to be launched in the fourth quarter of 2019.”
Understanding Device Utilization
In addition to the new capabilities in Aspect Reporter, SystemOne has added a new report, "Unutilized Modules," to Aspect and GxAlert, specifically tailored at the GeneXpert device but adaptable to any device. This report shows facilities that are not reporting tests for all available GeneXpert modules in the last 30 days. Looking at results from each device, and based on the device capacity, the report shows device utilization rates, enabling program managers to make decisions about where and how to deploy resources.
“One of the most important things we can do is make sure that all health investments in resource-constrained settings are as efficient and effective as possible,” continued Macek. “In April of this year, the United Nations called upon the WHO and partners to develop multi-sectoral accountability for TB. Our Diagnostic Accountability framework fits into this call to action.”
About SystemOne
Founded in Massachusetts in 2012, SystemOne focuses on producing solutions for disease surveillance and response. SystemOne has offices in Northampton, MA and Johannesburg, South Africa. The company’s new disease intelligence software, Aspect®, addresses numerous infectious diseases including Zika, Ebola, HIV, Malaria, Hepatitis C and more on a host of diagnostic devices.
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Patient test results showing HIV viral load, patient information, and number of days since the test result with patient treatment unspecified or unconfirmed. | HIV and TB test results with diagnoses, and showing which patients have had treatment or treatment type confirmed. |